Tuesday, April 2, 2013

How Do Others See You?

Are you aware of how others see you? You may think you are average, go don't bring much to the table. But what if that is a faulty assumption on your part. We all have our quirks and natural abilities, but sometimes we aren't aware of them. Or we are aware, but tend to downplay our gifts. Well, what's the point in having a gift if you aren't going to use it?

So here is your task for today:
List 5 people who you know and trust for this exercise.

They should be from different areas of your life.

List them below:






Feeling nervous. Don't. You are just asking for positive feedback at this point. We'll do constructive criticism another day.

Just Trust the Process!

So, how do you go about it?

Well, below is a list of questions to ask each person you chose to give you feedback.

It's recommended that you meet with each person and explain what you are doing. Here's something simple to say: "Hey, I need some perspective about myself and I value your opinion. Would you mind answering a few questions about me. I really appreciate your help on this."

They'll get an ego boost just from the fact that you want their opinion and who doesn't love to give their opinions. Plus you are asking direct questions designed to give you direct answers. If you want, you can email them your questions or deliver them in person.

Since we live in a society where opinions count, you might as well find out how positively others think of you. 

Completing this assignment will give you some insight into your strengths and may even help you discover some assets you were not aware you possessed.


  • What do you think are my greatest strengths?

  • What do you like most about me?

  • What do you value most about me?

  • What three words sum up the positive points about me?

  • If you needed help with something, what would you call me to help you with?

After you have received all of the feedback it is now time to reflect on what has been written or said:

Does anything stand out? If so, what?

Are you surprised by what was said or written?

Are you confident in your abilities? If not, why?

What steps will you take going forward to maximize your potential?

Why do you not see these strengths in yourself?

How has this assignment changed your outlook and how you view yourself?

What will you do differently now that you have this new information?

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