Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Power of No

No. A very short and simple word that holds a lot of power. Yet many do not know how to use it effectively.

For example, I've seen parents give in to the requests of their children, and then wonder how their kids became spoiled with an over developed sense of entitlement. I've seen employees go to jail because they refused to say no to their boss when asked to engage in illegal activities. I'm sure you have seen examples in your own life of when you knew you should have said no to someone and it didn't turn out well for you.

But using the word No effectively is an important skill to have wherever you are in life. It may cause discomfort in the short term. It will pass. Remember when your parents would tell you No and you sulked or threw a tantrum? Did you get over it? Your kids will, too. As a side note: If saying yes means you will put your integrity at risk, then definitely say no. If you lose your integrity, there isn't much else to lose.

Keep in mind that saying no is simple, but not always easy. Especially for someone who is not used to using it.

Now when you say No, be assertive with it. Use a firm, but polite voice.
Ex: No, I won't do that.
If you have to give a reason, keep it short and sweet.
Use body language. Look the person in the eye when saying no. Shake your head. Stand up straight. Walk away.
Use a deferral: I'll get back to you on that.
If you're feeling pressured to give an answer, remain silent and think. Only you can control your own actions. Then say no and walk away.

Practice saying No. Say no to at least 1 person for 7 days. It doesn't have to be a high pressure situation. You can say no to the fast food worker when they offer you fries. Feel your confidence grow and lose the guilt. There is nothing wrong with standing up for you.

Image courtesy of pakorn at

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